VICTORY: America’s Tax Dollars No Longer Will Fund Made in China Buses, Trams & More at U.S. Airports

By Scott Paul
May 16 2024 |

Thousands of Alliance for American Manufacturing supporters wrote to their Members of Congress urging them to support legislation to close the loophole that allowed Chinese firms access to federal tax dollars to build airport transit.

AAM President Scott Paul sent the following email to our supporters on Thursday morning.

America’s factory workers and manufacturers earned a major victory on Wednesday as Congress approved legislation to close a maddening loophole that has allowed Chinese state-owned and controlled companies to access America’s taxpayer dollars to build buses, trams, monorails and more for U.S. airports.

Thousands of Alliance for American Manufacturing supporters like YOU wrote to your Members of Congress urging them to support this legislation, which was included in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill passed by Congress on Wednesday.

I cannot thank you enough. Because of people like you, taxpayer money no longer will be used to buy transit for American airports that is built by Chinese firms who pose a risk to our national and economic security.

Closing this loophole also creates a more level playing field for American workers and manufacturers, who unfairly have had to compete for taxpayer-funded contracts against companies that have benefited from the predatory practices deployed by China’s government.

There’s still a lot more work to do to strengthen American manufacturing and ensure American workers get a fair shot. But thanks to folks like you, we took a step forward this week.

With gratitude,

Scott Paul
Alliance for American Manufacturing