
Oct 11 2024
Blog Trade

At a Pennsylvania Steel Mill, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai Touts Progress in “Flipping the Script” on Trade

Tai appeared alongside Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, touring the Cleveland-Cliffs facility and speaking about the importance of "thinking about industrial policy in a new...
Oct 09 2024
Blog Trade

Surging Steel Overcapacity “Seriously Harms Viability” of Steel Industries Worldwide, OECD Forum Warns

Non-market policies and practices, like those of China, are fueling the crisis.
Sep 26 2024
Blog Trade

Key House Committee Advances Bill Establishing New Trade Crimes Unit at the Justice Department

The bipartisan legislation creates a special task force charged with investigating and prosecuting trade crimes, along with new resources to support this important work.
Sep 17 2024
Blog Trade

New Report Highlights China’s Use of Forced Labor to Make Products in Dozens of Industries

The report is getting particular notice for China's use of forced labor throughout its clean energy manufacturing supply chain, driving home the need for the U.S. to shore up its own production...
Sep 16 2024
Blog Trade

Steel Industry and Labor Jointly Call for Improvements to a Commerce Department Program that Tracks Steel Imports

The Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis (SIMA) System at the Commerce Department allows U.S. steelmakers to monitor steel trade. But there are ways to make it better, especially given shifting...
Aug 27 2024
Blog Trade

United Steelworkers Voice Support for Solar Trade Petitions

USW International President Dave McCall tells the Commerce Department and International Trade Commission that "America’s green energy future needs to be built with American workers across the...
Aug 08 2024
Blog Trade

Bipartisan Group of Senators Unveil Legislation to Tackle “De Minimis” Loophole Exploited by SHEIN and Temu

The e-commerce importers have taken advantage of de minimis, which allows packages valued under $800 to enter the U.S. duty free and dodge U.S. inspections.
Aug 05 2024
Blog Trade

Vietnam Will Remain a “Non-Market Economy”

Members of Congress from both parties were among those who urged the Commerce Department to maintain Vietnam's non-market status.
Jul 17 2024
Blog Trade

Chinese Overcapacity Played a Role in a Steel Plant Closure in Oregon

Former employee Charles Lehrer on how surging imports and a lack of investment led to the closure of a 121-year-old factory in Portland.
Jul 10 2024
Press Release Trade

Biden Administration is Correct in Strengthening Mexican Steel and Aluminum Import Trade Rules

Beijing has long used third-party countries to evade tariffs, with Mexico deployed as its latest backdoor into the U.S.  Washington, D.C. — The Biden administration rightly took action on...